
Since the development team decided to change XBMC name to Kodi I thought its a good time to update the website and release some updates and fixes to Xbmccustomregis as some of the functions was broken since the latest Entertainment center updates. I managed to find the time to bring everything together for the community who still use and enjoy my remote setings, although I am sorry as I dont have the time anymore like I used to but at least I know that this project will always be live to bring easy remote setup to Kodi as it did with XBMC.
The Development of XBMCCustomregis started since the end of 2010, and at the time things were tough. But improvements happened gradually and more features were added, therefore I can now really say "yes you can do it the easy way", in fact you will not be doing anything anymore. Now you can download the remote Auto-install option and it will do everything for you in couple of seconds.
New features were added that can make your life easier; to check out all the features, make sure to visit the "New" features page. It has the full list of XBMCCustomregis features that can help you decide which script to use depending on what you want to acheive, "fully explained".
The setup files are Windows 7, "windows 7 option should be Vista compatible" and Windows 8 compatible. If you have the XBOX 360 remote then you need to apply a simple reg hack to make it work, thanks to John Rennie for the hack details which can be found here, although not all the buttons work with XBMC/Kodi.
Just keep in mind that only Full MCE RC6 certified remotes will function as intended and any other cheap clones will not perform as well as the RC6's. In the other hand the Harmony should be able to emulate MCE remotes very well although some users are reporting lags but for some the cure can be found in Logitec remote setup control panel.
The important thing to do first before starting anything, is to check that you have
My aim in this project is to concentrate on the MCE remotes and make them function better than my old beloved Original XBOX 1st gen remote by adding extra features here and there for a complete XBMC/Kodi fluid out of the box experience.
Please note that my setup files is aimed at Windows operating systems only and if you want to remap your remote buttons then the easiest solution is to use MCERemoteMapper, which is designed for Windows and it will also require ".NET Framework 2.0 or later" to be installed before being able to fully use it, or if you prefer to know how things is done manually then my tutorial.pdf is the one to read.
For feedback, issues or just a thank you! Please use the Support link in the main menu. If you used my setup and you are happy with the results please make sure you rate the XBMC/Kodi forum thread accordingly or donate here if you can.
Thank you,